Friday, 6 November 2015

November 6th

It is great to be back on the blog! The kindergarten class has been up to a lot of stuff, but here are a few of our favourite things we did this week!

We practiced finding numbers on a number line. 

We had a blast building number towers that we rolled. At the end of the game, we had to determine which tower was the tallest. We counted them up to prove our prediction. 

We built number mountains to see all the different ways we can compose numbers. 
We started to explore number sentences. 

 In our dramatic play area, we open our Kinder Vet Clinic and it was a smashing success! 

We used a stethoscope to listen to our patients heart. In a video we watched, we learned that some pets could have heart worms that could make them very sick and would need medicine. 

After watching a video about what happens at a vet clinic, our students decided that we needed an X-ray machine to properly check if their patients bones were healthy. So we added our light table.